Chair of Physical and Colloid Chemistry
of the Southern Federal University
(ex- Rostov State University)

Contact Us:

Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry of the Southern Federal University

7, Zorge Street, 344090 Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Phone: +7 903 471 08 02



The scientific activity of the department is concerned with the fundamental problems of the relation between the structure and physical and chemical properties of the co-ordination compounds.

The main fields of the department’s research are:

•  Coordination chemistry: synthesis, structure and study of the physical and chemical properties of the metallo-organic and co-ordination compounds with O-, N-, S-, Se-, As-, Te-, P-containing ligands.

•  Magnetic properties of bi- and poly-nuclear clusters, based on the transition metals’ complexes with poly-functional hydrazones and Schiff bases.

•  The study of the macro-cyclic complexes, containing ferrocene and ruthenocene moieties.

•  Quantum chemical calculations of the co-ordination compounds' electronic structure.

•  Synthesis and investigation of a phosphorus-organic compounds and their complexes with transition metals.

•  ESR spectroscopy of the transition metals’ complexes with organic ligands.

•  The study of the structural isomerization and isomeric transformations of the organic and co-ordination compounds, including photochromic properties of the molecules, containing spiro-pyrane’s unit.

•  The research of the surface processes and phase interactions in the disperse systems, the obtaining of the colloid state metals and nano-sized inorganic and co-ordination compounds’ particles.


The tutorial staff of the department is involved into educational process in the university attending a number of the basis and special disciplines for the students of the chemical and biological faculties.

•  Physical Chemistry

•  Colloid Chemistry

•  Physical Methods in Chemistry

•  Numerical Methods in Chemistry

•  History of Chemistry

•  Novel Information Technologies in ChemicalEducation

•  Physical and Colloid Chemistry (for Department of Biology)

Here you can find the annotation of the innovative program of master training on specialization “Physical chemistry” at the Department of Chemistry of Southern Federal University.

Tutorial Staff:

•  Igor N. Shcherbakov – Professor, Head of Chair

•  Sergey I. Levchenkov – Professor (half-time)

•  Vera A. Chetverikova – Associate Professor

•  Sergey N. Lyubchenko – Associate Professor

•  Sergey A. Borodkin – Associate Professor

•  Yulia P. Tupolova – Associate Professor

•  Antoniy O. Bulanov – Senior Lecturer

•  Elmira B. Kaymakan – Lecturer

•  Ilya I. Krotkii – Assistant Professor (half-time)

•  Konstantin B. Gishko – Assistant Professor (half-time)

•  Anna S. Kapustina – Assistant Professor (half-time)

•  Yulia O. Tkacheva – Assistant Professor (half-time)

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